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What is the watch order for Arrowverse Elseworlds?

The watch order for Arrowverse's Elseworlds is: The Flash 5x09, then Arrow 7x09, followed by Supergirl 4x09. " alt="Arrow season 8 Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover" classes=""]" alt="Arrow season 8 Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover" classes=""]

What order should I watch 'the Flash' Season 9?

Season 9 will be The Flash’s last season, so make sure to binge all the seasons before it airs. The drawback of this order is that it neglects certain episodes where Barry Allen made his appearance as The Flash in other shows. So to cover all bases, I’ve curated the Ultimate Watch Order — for your perusal, down below. 2. Ultimate Watch Order

What order does Flash vs Arrow end?

The key thing to get right is the order of the first so-called Flarrow crossover, which begins in The Flash 1x08, titled Flash vs Arrow, and concludes in Arrow 3x08, titled The Brave and The Bold.

What order should I watch 'the invasion'?

You can continue this order without missing any major continuity issues until the next crossover event. Known as The Invasion crossover, the best order to watch it in goes like this: Supergirl (Season 2, Episode 8), The Flash (Season 3, Episode 8), Arrow (Season 5, Episode 8), and Legends of Tomorrow (Season 2, Episode 7).

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